Imagine clear, clean waters full of sea creatures - that's what we’re trying to create. This isn't just a dream - it used to be real, and Edinburgh Shoreline wants to make it happen again.

Group of people in outdoor jackets talking on a sandy beach with trees in the background.

Stewards of the Land, Custodians of the Sea

Edinburgh's coast tells a story of the past, when oysters were plentiful, underwater grass meadows were everywhere, and the sea was full of different kinds of sea life. Sadly, the biodiversity of our local coastline has been in steady decline since the 18th century. Nevertheless, due to conservation efforts, our current view of the Firth of Forth is very different from centuries past

At one point, our very own Firth was once described as:

"...famous for the beauty of its 'clean white sands'," "...underwater kelp forests patrolled by fish and seals..." and oyster populations that "...'extended like a sheet from Oxcars lighthouse to some eight miles beyond the Isle of May, a distance of thirty-six miles'..."

(The Firth of Forth: An Environmental History by T.C. Smout and Mairi Stewart, 2012).

coastal pathway leading to an island with grassy hill and lighthouse

This primary project called Restoration Forth, aims to plant about four football fields' worth of seagrass and introduce 30,000 oysters over three years. It's like creating underwater gardens that will help fish and other sea creatures thrive while also helping fight climate change.

Coastal landscape with large concrete sea defenses and rocky shore.

The Impact of Restoration Forth

As a distillery deeply rooted in Leith's maritime heritage, we're thrilled to help bring new life to our coast. Edinburgh Shoreline has the expertise and passion for coastal restoration that we need to explore this aspect of our local environment. They share our ambition to learn, experiment, and evolve together over time.

Group of people talking in a grassy field with tree saplings in protective tubes.


We want to explore what we can do along our coastline. That means supporting oyster restoration efforts in the Firth of Forth, adapting to climate change and its impacts on our local waters, and trialling new ways to engage our community in coastal conservation that enhance our drive for sustainability. It’s all part of making a product we love and are proud of - one that not only captures the essence of our land but also the spirit of our shores.

Find out more about Edinburgh Shoreline and Restoration Forth here.